Contact C-K Cattle and Cobb Ranch

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Cobb Ranch, Home of C-K Cattle

Woodville, Texas

Cobb Ranch, Home of C-K Cattle, is located in Woodville, Texas and is owned by Bart and Kristi Cobb and was established on 600+ acres in 2015. It is home to sprawling grass pastures, coastal hay fields, several ponds, a lake, equipment barns, chute barns, hay barns, a horse barn, a main house and a guest house. The ranch is fully equipped to handle a controlled environment to raise and maintain C-K Cattle.

We have both a commercial and registered operation under C-K Cattle. Our primary goal for our commercial operation is to properly wean and raise heifers until breeding age at which time we breed them to a top bloodline calving ease bull and sell bi yearly as bred heifers. We also sell steers bi yearly out of our commercial side. All the offspring in our commercial side is from our registered herd sires. Our registered side is for producing some of the top bulls in the industry. We take high quality, registered females and A.I. with the top producing black angus bulls in the entire country.

The bulls that come out of that operation are outstanding to the eye and are very productive in the field. Our cows are not over stressed and are worked with care and their demeaner bares that out.

Cobb Ranch produces an abundance of hay as both round bales and square bales. I invite anyone interested in buying our hay or our quality Black Angus cattle to contact me for information on any animals shown on my website or just to learn more about our ranch and operations.

C-K Cattle and Cobb Ranch Contact Form

Contact CK Cattle and Cobb Ranch

Cobb Ranch, Home of C-K Cattle

Woodville, Texas

Don Knobloch

(713) 416-7374
Member of The American Angus Association